

Werner Reichhold 



Kommentare zu Büchern

Geburtsort Berlin, 1925.
1948 / 49Studium in Berlin. 1949-51 Studium in Hamburg und Paris.
1960-61 Dozentur Fachhochschschule Hannover.
Wohnort und Atelier von 1949-81 in Hamburg. 1982 Umzug, gemeinsam mit
Jane Reichhold, nach Gualala, Kalifornien, U.S.A.

Adressen: Werner Reichhold, P.O.Box 767, Gualala, CA 95445, U.S.A.


Landzeichen I
1980, Stahlplastik/Landschaft. Kunsthalle Hamburg,
           Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven
1982, Staatliche Landesbildstelle Hamburg.
Photomontagen Stahlplastik/Landschaft
1986 ,U.S.A., Installations from 1975-85, steel, wood, paper and
1989, Handshake, AHA Books, 100 pages, 7: 9".
The book contains 51 installations
and drawings plus text, haiku and kanji. Winner of Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award 1989,
Tidalwave, AHA Books, 172 pages, 8,5:11``,  95 haiku, 25 installations, 16 drawings, 10 collages, 6 photographs
1990, Bridge of Voices AHA Books, 142 pages, 8,5: 11". Haiku sequences, tanka renga und grafiken (partly translated into French, German, Italian, Hebrew and Arabic). 29 collages, and drawings 1991, Sensecapes, AHA Books, 11:17". The book contains haiku, tanka, free-verse and dialogues. A multi media show with collages,
installations, photo-collages and poetry
1993, Layers of Content, AHA Books, 5,5:8,5".
The book contains fifty-two haiku sequences and mixed genres with an introduction by Kevin Bailey, Editor of the magazine Haiku Quarterly, England
1989, In The Presence, by Jane Reichhold and Werner Reichhold,
AHA Books, 5,5:8,5". The book contains tanka sequences by Jane Reichhold and Werner Reichhold. The book is dedicated to the Imperial Family of Japan, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, Crown Prince Naruhito and Princess Masako, in celebration of the invitation to the New Year's Poetry Reading (Utakai Hajime) at the Imperial Court on January 14th, 1998.

Books on the Internet:,
Books Online
1995 CYBERTRY I, fifteen poems, including haiku, tanka sequences and ghazals
1996 CYBERTRY II, inter-genre poetry: Prose and haiku, prose and tanka - sijo sequence and prose, free verse, dialogue, tanka and haiku - ghazal, haiku and tanka - Six Portraits - two Plays.
Symbiotic Poetry: alternately written prose, haiku and tanka together with Jane Reichhold
1998 CYBERTRY III,  Twelve free verse poems
2007 CYBERPOETRY, Inter-Genre Poetry (Sequences in English) Introduction by Jeffrey Woodward
2007 CYBERPOESIE,  Symbiotic Poesie (Sequences in German)


about symbiotic Art-Books in English

Adele Pilsk
Comments about Tidalwave
Werner Reichhold, West Coast artist /author, offers a mini-museum in
which he invites the viewer to wander. The museum is made of paper, suggest substance, moves like a tidal wave, quite literary pulls
together threads of his life, and beckons to the reader.
It is composed of haiku, tanka, other texts, installations, drawings,
collages, photographs, photomontages and sensuality. Reichhold has
shown massive steel-installations in galleries and museums in his
native Germany, Italy, France, in the Americas and elsewhere.
In his book Reichhold has attempted successfully to create the power of one of his giant installation in a new form

Joe Nutt
Comments about Tidalwave
I think that the energy, the motivation behind a work, the strength of
values, are paramount. The light touch, humor, cuts far deeper into the human psyche than reasons and intelligence. He has chattered the barrier to the subconscious beyond the capacities of most of us, proof to the strength of the artist in him.
And to do this without being overwhelmed and driven to insanity, your
lightness is both a cultivated defense and necessity. Perhaps the only sane approach to life.
Reichhold: Keep breaking the barriers of rationality; use your multiple
skills to detonate a lot of rigid mind sets in the haiku community
today – something needed. It appears that many who write haiku today are multi-talented, with professional dancers, singers, mimes,
photographers, and other art forms represented. There must be something about haiku, ZEN and oriental philosophy that appeals to a variety of artistic sensibilities.

Larry Junkins, Professor of the Art Department of the University of

Comments about Handshake
What I appreciate in Werner Reichhold’s drawings, is their
unpredictable, revelatory character. They certainly present experience of reality. I find the drawings charming. Their crazy intensity travels the full
emotional range from the sublime to the corrupt. I enjoy their often
nasty, almost perverse whimsy as well as their obvious elegance. There is a delightfully rambunctious, almost wickedly prankster-prone quality about them that is entirely entertaining. Their spirit seems quite wonderful human.

Larry Junkins, Professor of the Art Department of the University of
Wisconsin, Madison Comments about Tidalwave

I appreciate Werner Reichhold’s Tidalwave as one of a growing number of artwork by artists whose creative endeavor ultimately focuses on the value of art to the realization of a more compassionate world. Such artists see art as a viable means to the development of language and still communicate a vision of hope for our planet and all its people.
It is my appreciation that this movement is the “avant-garde” of
contemporary art. I also believe the exploration of art as a technology
to heal individuals and nations is the ultimate source of aesthetic
Any breakthrough to a profound artistic vision will derive from the
energy that flows from the passion for the reconstruction of our world
from an attitude of peace for the planet Earth and its inhabitants.
This movement is gaining increased momentum throughout the world in many disciplines other than art, but art is the only one that can
create the appropriate images.
There is an urgent need for new symbols as well as the revivification
of the old ones that proclaim the simple vision of compassion. Now the challenge for artists is greater than ever before in history because of the need we have to develop images that speak not only of the
individual artist’s life but on a much deeper level call forth a memory
of a common collective bond. Now and in the future if art does not
speak of the fact of universal human aspiration it will have failed


Round Renga Round, 1990, Fifteen Kasen Renga, AHA Books
The San Francisco Haiku Anthology, 1992, Smythe-Waithe Press, U.S.A.
duizend kolibries, 1993, Bart Mesotten,The Netherlands
Haiku Moment, 1993, Charles E. Tuttle, U.S.A.
Dreams Wander, 1994. Haiku Society of America, Members' Anthology, U.S.A.
One Breath, 1995, Haiku Society of America, Members' Anthology, U.S.A.
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Haiku-Gesellschaft, 1995, Germany
Wind Five Folded, 1994, an Anthology of English-Language Tanka. AHA Books
Haiku for Lovers, 2003, MQ Publications, London, England
Worte für die Wolken, Jahrbuch 2005, Voker Friebel, Wolkenpfad Tübingen
Feine Kerben, Jahrbuch 2006, Volker Friebel, Wolkenpfad, Tübingen
Haiku hier und heute, 2011, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
1960   Die Blauen Bücher, Alf Hentze
1961   Knaurs Lexikon der modernen Plastik
1962   Plastik des 20. Jahrhunderts, Gerd von der Osten
1962   Standplastiken aus Stahl, Paul Vogt
1963   Junge deutsche Bildhauer, Udo Kultermann
1964   Plastik der Gegenwart, Ulrich Gertz
1970   Deutsche Kunst - eine neue Generation, Rolf Gunter Dienst
1972   Deutsche Kunst der sechziger Jahre, Jürgen Morschel
1982   Kunst und Kirche, Hartmut Winde

Werner Reichhold's poems appeared in the following magazines:
Mirrors, Lynx, Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Raw NerVZ, Ribbons, Lost And Found Times, TSA Journal (all in USA); The Tanka Journal (Japan), Haiku International (Japan), The Haiku Quarterly (England), Vierteljahresschrift der Deutschen Haiku-Gesellschaft, Haikuscope (Germany), Albatross (Romania), Sparrow (Croatia), Woodpecker (The Netherlands)

Since 1993, Jane and Werner Reichhold are Co-editors of Lynx, an International Journal for Linking Poets, published by AHA Books as a
hard copy, now since 2000 online



1955    Galerie von der Hoeh, Hamburg, Germany, sculptures und drawings
1960    Galerie Brusberg, Hannover, G., steel sculptures and drawings
1966    Galerie Brusberg, Hannover, G., steel sculptures and drawings
1978    Kunstverein Oldenburg, G., steel sculptures and drawings
1978    Galerie Falazik, Neuenkirchen, G., steel sculptures and drawings
1979    Galerie Levy, Hamburg, installation
1979    Kunsthaus Hamburg, G., Museumsinsel, steel installation
1980    Am Bahnhof Dammtor, Hamburg, G., Krakencatcher, steel installation
1980    Städtische Sammlungen Duisburg-Rheinhausen, G., steel-objects,photomontages
1980    Hamburger Kunsthalle, G., steel-objects und photomontages
1980    Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, G., steel-objects und photomontages,
1982    Landesbildstelle Hamburg, G., photo installations
1982    Gnadenkirche Hamburg, G., multimedia installation
1983    Mendocino Art Center, CA, USA, paper installation
1983    Bananabelt Gallery, CA, USA, paper installation
1983    North Light Gallery, CA, USA, drawings, wall-sculptures
1985    Kunstverein Pforzheim, G., installation: Brennt der Raum?
              Symbiotic Art Installation, steel, wood, drawings
1985    Galerie Broetzinger Art, Pforzheim, G., paper installation, drawings, and photographs


1957    Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany, Plastik und Zeichnungen
1958    Deutscher Künstlerbund, G.
1962    Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santiago de Chile, Montevideo,
             Deutsche Kunst nach 1945
1962    Deutsche Plastik, Schweden: Malmö, Stockholm, Göteborg, Vasteras, Norrköping, Helsingborg
1962    Kunstverein Hannover, Herbstausstellung
1963    Museum Dortmund, G., Creatura
1963    Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg, G. Eisenplastken
1963    Villa Massimo, Roma, Italia, Rompreis Stipendiaten
1963    Wolfsburg, G., Junge Stadt sieht Junge Kunst
1963    Museum Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, G., Darmstädter Sezession
1964    Salon Comparaison, Paris, France, Steel Sculptures
1964    Augsburg, G., Deutsche Bildhauer
1964    Kunstverein Hannover, G., Frühjahrs-und Herbstausstellung
1966    Akademie der Künste, Berlin, G., Junge Generation
1966    Fondazione Pagani, Milano, Italia, Sculptures
1966    Musée Rodin, Paris, France: Third
International Exhibit of Contemporary Sculpture
1966    Erlangen, G., Skulptur in unserer Zeit
1967    Paris, France: Tendences
1967    Museum Folkwang, Essen, G., Hamburger Graphiker
1967    Hannover, Kunstverein, G., Deutsche Zeichner
1967    Darmstadt, G., 2. Internationale der Handzeichnung
1967    Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, G., Wege 1967
1967    Kunstverein Hannover, G., Fruehjahrsaustellung
1972    Kunsthaus, Hamburg, G., Hamburger Bildhauer
1973    Sammlung Carl Vogel: Deutsche Zeichnungen der Gegenwart: Bielefeld, Hamburg, Osnabrück G., Oslo, Norwegen
1974    Haus der Kunst, München: Zeichnungen
1977    Helsinki, Finland, Deutsche Bildhauer
1977    Galerie Falazik, Neuenkirchen, G.: Material aus der Landschaft - Kunst in die Landschaft
1979    Europäischer Skulpturenpark, Willebadessen, G., Eisenplastiken
1979    Kunstverein Stuttgart, G., Szenen der Volkskunst
1979    Tokio, Japan: Deutsche Metallbildhauer
1980    Rottweil: Koffer für Rottweil
1983    Sammlung Siegenthaler, Bad Säckingen, G. Wandplastik
1983    Galerie Falazik, Neuenkirchen, G., Von Gestern bis Morgen
1984    Dortmund, G.: Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts
1985    Wihelm Hack-Museum: Sammlung Westermann
1985    Muenster, G.: Das Tier in Skulptur und Zeichnung
1987    Stuttgart und Pforzheim, G., Copy-Art
1987    Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Centre Bronfman, Canada: Medium Photocopy
1988    Goethe-Haus, New York, USA : Copy-Art Installations
1989    Fellbach, G., Rathaus, Sammlung Westermann
1995    Rastatt, Städtische Galerie Fruchthalle, Sammlung Westermann

Werner Reichhold’s art works are included in 56 international catalogues, published by museums and galleries between 1955 and 1987



1951   Lichtwarck Stipendium, Germany
1955   Edwin Scharff-Preis, Germany
1960   Rompreis Villa Massimo

On January 14th, 1998, Jane and Werner Reichhold were invited by
The Imperial Family of Japan, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko,
Crown Prince Naruhito and Princess Masako, in celebration of The New Year's Poetry Reading (Utakai Hajime)
at the Imperial Court, Tokyo, Japan




Click to all the poems


1     Tochter gewesen zu sein
2     Sie ist vom Salzigen
3     Vom Biss
4     Sie plaudert
5     Meine Tür zugleich
6     Vorbehalt und Ablage
7     Erfahrung über das Runde
8     Vorbei an der Brustfülle
9     Einmaleinse finden
10   Vielleicht angeregt
11   Einschätzng
12   Zerkleinerte Kleiderstücke
13   Hauptattraktion
14   Die Kastanie ihres Grills
15   Haben sich von anderen
16   Verzögerung
17   Schwimmend im Dialog
18   Das Auseinanderfallen
19   Deutlich Aufschub
20   Gold im Labor
21   Schreibauftrag
22   Es habe sich nicht abgespielt
23   Angenommen
24   Doch nicht für jede
25   Anbetung ruft nicht
26   Wund bei sich sein
27   Als Biografie angelegt
28   Sie verleugnet nicht
29   Von diesem wir
30   Da tritt sie aus der Laube
31   Wenn er den Arbeitsraum erstreitet
32   Winter wenn Zeichnung dunkelt
33   Schirm für ersten Schauer
34   Handteller
35   Halsschmuck
36   Von füreinander wogenden Wassern
37   Schwer zerreißbar
38   Langsam dehnt sich
39   Lautlos Anwesende
40   So wenig weiß Blut
41   Ist es das Weiche
42   Fast bedrohliche Abseilung
43   Sie sagt der Duft  
44   Sie kommt als Fremde
45   Namenscheu
46   Der Nagel vermeint
47   Zwei gegen die Ebene
48   Ausblick aufs Überleben
49   Schmerzlos
50   Wann war Zufall
51   Der Müll
52   Ungeheißen verweichlicht
53   Meine Uhr im Schnee
54   Siegfried stürzt
55   Anglaia, Euphrosyne
56   Ort verweilend
58   Sie vergißt nicht
59   Drehbühne
60   Vom Lernen








Werner Reichhold
P.O.Box 767
Gualala, CA 95445, U.S.A.